Start the day
Write down 10 new Blessings and why you are grateful for them. Read each one repeating “thank you, thank you, thank you“, feeling gratitude and giving thanks for each one.
Today we are going to use the power of Gratitude to have a magical day.
I am sure you can remember a day when you woke up grumpy or out-of-sorts and as the day progressed everything seemed to go wrong. One of those days when you say “I’m really having a bad day.” Because you felt negative, you were attracting more negative into your day. So, imagine if you can ensure that you have a positive, good, successful and happy day.
As early in the morning as you can, before you get up or while you are showering, and before your day starts, do the following.
Think of your day ahead. What plans do you have? Will you be driving somewhere? Will you be spending your day at work? Do you have meetings to attend at work? Are you going shopping? Think of the meals you will be preparing or your session at the gym. Will you be mowing the lawn, cleaning the pool or cleaning your home? Will you be going out this evening to a movie or restaurant? Are you meeting someone for the first time or going on a date?
As you think of each plan, task, event or experience, say “thank you, thank you, thank you” for it going really well. Most of all, feel the gratitude for it going smoothly, successfully, enjoyably and positively. And know that by doing this, you are giving thanks for the experience being a good one. Therefore, by the Law of Attraction, you must receive a good experience.
Turn tasks into enjoyable experiences
Rhonda Byrne says that when she started using this practice she used to give thanks ahead for the tasks in her day that she didn’t particularly enjoy doing. And those started becoming enjoyable and rewarding experiences.
You can also focus on an event about which you are worried or fearful of. Give thanks ahead for the event being positive and you will remove the worry, stress and fear from the event because you KNOW that it will go well.
Rhonda also ends this practice with “thank you, thank you, thank you for the great news coming to me today!” This means she is attracting and receiving good news into her day, every day.
You have the power to make today and every day from now on a Magical Day. Use it.
End the day
When you go to bed tonight hold your Magic Rock in your hand. Close your fingers around it and feel it. Think of all the good things that have happened today. Choose the best good thing that happened and, feeling as grateful as you can, say “thank you, thank you, thank you“.
Our quote for the day.
Amethyst and Sapphire