Start the day (Don’t forget to do this every day)
Write down 10 new Blessings and why you are grateful for them. Read each one repeating “thank you, thank you, thank you”, feeling gratitude for each one.
Today we focus on relationships and the appreciation for the people in our lives.
A relationship is the way in which two or more people are connected. We get to choose whether to have good relationships or bad relationships. But whatever we choose, the fact is that we all need people and relationships.
Human beings have evolved into social beings. Dependence on and cooperation with each other enhanced the ability of the human race to survive under harsh environmental circumstances and although these circumstances may not be the same in today’s world, human beings still continue to need and connect with others.
In the words of Barbara Streisand, “People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world”.
In “The Magic”, Rhonda Byrne states, “It’s your contact and experiences with other people that give your life joy, meaning, and purpose. Because of that, your relationships affect your life more than anything else. To receive the life of your dreams, it’s vital that you understand how your relationships affect your life now and how they are the most powerful channels for gratitude to start magically changing your life”.
So yes, relationships take work. As our relationship grows, so does our love for one another. Unfortunately, so do complacency and the fact that we tend to take others for granted. We expect the people in our lives to always be there for us.
Research also shows that displays of gratitude will make the people in our lives feel more attached, pleased, satisfied and grateful to have us in their lives. It doesn’t end there, as the person who displays gratitude and appreciation initiates a physical, emotional and mental connection between themselves and others.
Simply put, acts of gratitude can elevate any relationship, and expressions of appreciation, which in essence are expressions of love and thoughtfulness, can strengthen any relationship.
Today, we will focus on three relationships that are important to us whether it be your partner, lover, family member, business partner, boss, colleague, friend or foe and whether these relationships at present are flourishing or need to be worked on. Always remember that by the Law of Attraction complaining about the people in our lives and our relationships, will only bring more of the same into our lives.
We recently heard a statement which resonated with us and it goes like this….. “Complaining and wishing harm on others is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”.
Once you have decided which three relationships need the magic of gratitude to flourish and grow, go and select a photograph of each of these people, whether it be a photograph of them on their own or a photograph of the two of you together.
If you don’t have a photograph, download a digital image. You can even make a collage of these photographs.
Now take the time to look at the image of each of these important people in your life and think about what is the most grateful thing that you feel for that person. Also think about all the things that you love about them and what their best qualities are whether it be physical or relating to their personalities. Think about times you spent together and the things you enjoyed doing together. Did they make you laugh? Did they help you in anyway? Did they do something to support you in any way or at any time? Where they there for you when you needed them? How did they show you that they cared for you or even loved you? Now choose 5 things about them that you were or are grateful for and write these down either in a journal or on your computer.
Now look at the picture of the person and thank them for each of the 5 things that you are grateful for. Be genuine when you thank them. Feel the gratitude and thank them by saying their names.
For example,
Thank you, ………………., for always making me laugh.
Thank you, ……………….., for always being there when I needed you.
Thank you, ……………….., for always making me feel special.
Thank you, …………………, for bringing me coffee to bed every morning.
Thank you, …………………, for always being there for Dad.
When you have completed your lists for all three of the people in your life that you are grateful for, put their photographs in a place where you will see them often or take them with you if you are moving around during the day (if you are using digital images save these on the desktop of your computer or phone). Take the time through the course of the day to look at these images as often as you can and thank them by using their names.
Thank you, …………………..
This is a magical way to transform your relationship with anyone. If you like you can do this at any time during the Gratitude Journey with the same people or with others by following the same Magical practice.
By feeling grateful for these people in your life, it will change how you feel towards them. As you focus on the difference they have made in your life, you will find that the gratitude you feel opens the door for genuine caring and even love. You will start to see that the small irritations you once felt, the complaints you had, the criticism you voiced, seem to be fading as they are replaced with gratitude. Also by showing appreciation and feeling gratitude you will become more understanding, compassionate, kind and loving and by giving this of yourself you will be drawing the same back into your relationships and into your life.
This Magic practice will transform your relationships.
End the day (Don’t forget to do this at the end of each day)
When you go to bed tonight hold your Magic Rock in your hand. Close your fingers around it and feel it. Think of all the good things that have happened today. Choose the best good thing that happened and, feeling as grateful as you can, say “thank you, thank you, thank you”.
Our quote for the day.
Amethyst and Sapphire
As I am thankful every day for Richard and my two awesome children, Nicole and Wesley, I decided to give my thanks and gratitude today to my 3 sisters. I didn’t realize how much I miss all the special things about each one of them until I started writing down my thoughts. After writing down my thoughts and saying their names and feeling the gratitude for each one of them I decided to take it a step further and leave each one of them a private message and thank them for each of the 5 things that I am thankful and grateful for. I wanted to really express my thanks and gratitude as I don’t see them and miss spending time with them. What I didn’t realize was how emotional I would get once I started telling them how thankful I am and how special they are to me. I couldn’t end any of the three messages without getting emotional and ended up in tears (which if you know me, you will know that I don’t cry easily). I must say it felt good to tell them how much I love them and what they do for me that I am grateful and thankful for. And it came back to me. As they responded with as much love and thanks and gratitude. So yes, what you give out in gratitude and thanks will be returned back to you.
I am interested to hear how you are feeling after 3 days of thanks and gratitude?
And once again, I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you for joining us on this Journey of Gratitude.
Last year I started with a Gratitude Jar. Whenever a prayer was answered or something really great happened, my boys and I would write the date and happening down and place it in the jar. On 31 December we read all the notes. This made us realise that the year wasn’t half as bad as we thought.
Hi Belinda. Welcome to the Gratitude Journey. As far as the Gratitude Jar, I know my daughter has one that she puts “1 thank you” in every day for something that she is grateful for. A gratitude slip for every time we get what we have asked for and have received is such an awesome idea. Thanks for sharing.