Start the day
Write down 10 new Blessings and why you are grateful for them. Read each one repeating “thank you, thank you, thank you”, feeling gratitude for each one.
Works Like Magic
Today we will focus on why we need to not only be thankful for our jobs but how also showing gratitude towards our work is a way to ensure job satisfaction and success.
Brian Tracy, is the Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company that specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. He helps companies and their employees to achieve not only their personal goals but also their business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined. He believes in adopting an “An attitude of gratitude” to better your current situation or as a step to achieving business success.
As Rhonda Byrne so aptly puts it in “The Magic”,
“How can it be that a person who is born into total poverty, starts out with nothing, and has very little education goes on to become a president or a celebrity, or builds an empire and becomes one of the wealthiest people in the world?
“How is it that two people can start out in the same career, and yet one person’s career goes from success to even greater success, while the other person works himself or herself into the ground, with little success, no matter how hard they try?
What is making the difference? What is the missing link?
The missing link to success is gratitude.
The Law of Attraction, as you all know by now, states that “like attracts like”, so if we give out gratitude for our work, our jobs, our careers, we can only attract success back to us.
So if we want to be happy at work, be successful, open ourselves up to growth and promotion opportunities within the company, get that salary increase we want, receive recognition for brilliant ideas, get appreciation for a job well done, we need to be grateful for our current job and work.
When we are truly thankful for our jobs and we show gratitude, we will automatically feel differently about going to work. We will feel differently about our work situation, about our work load, about our Manager, about what we earn and will find that we are giving more to our work.
And when you give more, what will happen? Yes, you will receive more. More work satisfaction, more money and success will be returned to you.
On the other hand, if you are always “bitching” about having to go to work, always complaining about your work load and projecting bad attitude and ill feeling towards your Supervisor or Manager, you are not being thankful or grateful for your job and by doing so you will end up giving less and the less you give………………….That’s RIGHT. You are getting it, THE LESS YOU WILL RECEIVE!
By giving less, you will get back less. You will not look forward to going to work, you won’t have job satisfaction, you will never be happy at work, you will give less and less and as a result you will end up being unhappy, your commitment and work ethic will decrease, you will become unmotivated and eventually due to your mediocre work performance you will not be put forward for that increase or that promotion and you could possibly be the first on the retrenchment list or you could even lose your job!
If you not happy at work and you have decided to look for a position that you feel would be better suited, more satisfying, better promotional opportunities etc., this position will come to you if you show thanks and gratitude for your current position and job.
So from today adopt an “attitude of gratitude” towards your current job situation, be thankful for the job you do have and give it your all, and you will get back what you put in.
To assist you with adapting an attitude of gratitude towards your current work and job, Rhonda Byrne suggest that you do the following Magic Practice; (If you do not work on a Saturday, mentally go through a typical day at work for this exercise and repeat it again on Monday.)
“Today, imagine that you have an invisible manager whose job it is to keep a record of the thoughts and feelings you have about your job.
Imagine that this “Gratitude Manager” is following you wherever you go today, poised with pen and notebook in hand. Every time you think of something about your job to be grateful for the “Gratitude Manager” will make a note of it.
Your job is to find as many things as you can to be grateful for so that at the end of the day, the “Gratitude Manager” has a long list of all your thanks and gratitude. The longer the list is, the more magic this “Gratitude Manager” will be able to bring back to you as far as promotions, increase in money, work success, opportunities, job enjoyment and satisfaction.
You could start this process by being thankful that you actually have a job! Think about how many people are unemployed, who would give anything to have a job.
Look around you and give thanks and gratitude for your office, your office equipment and the tools you are provided with to make your job easier and less time consuming (like as simple as a telephone),
Think about the technology you have been provided with, your computer, printers, the Internet.
Think about the people you work with, and the friendships you have with them.
Think about the people who make your job easier, such as receptionists, assistants, janitors and cleaners, the tea lady and the delivery people.
Think about how good it feels when you get paid at the end of the month, or get your annual increase, or possibly an annual bonus or holiday bonus.
Think about all the things you are able to have and are able to pay for when you receive your salary.
Now think about the things you do enjoy about your job, the things that you do love doing. (there must be something you enjoy).
Each time you think of something and the “Gratitude Manager” adds it this imaginary list, say the following;
I’m so grateful for ………………………………………………………………………………………..
The more deeply the “Gratitude Manager” can see you’re feeling of gratitude, the sooner he or she can start to make “The Magic” happen in your work,
It is also possible that once you start being thankful and giving gratitude, your work circumstances could instantly improve just be changing your perception.
Lucky breaks at work, that promotion, that merit increase don’t happen by accident. They are simply gratitude’s magical power at work!
End the day
When you go to bed tonight hold your Magic Rock in your hand. Close your fingers around it and feel it. Think of all the good things that have happened today. Choose the best good thing that happened and, feeling as grateful as you can, say “thank you, thank you, thank you”.
Amethyst and Sapphire